9/23/2022 Weekly Update

9/22/2022 → Thursday Skype & Write

Well, hello there!

Why yes, we did have a meeting last night, though a short one. James had some issues at his home which resulted in a loss of air conditioning (in Georgia, during 90 (or higher) degree temps, and he works from home). This led to a bit of heat exhaustion, as you can imagine, so we had a short meeting (the A/C had been repaired and his house was cooling, but wasn’t quite in the comfort zone yet).

Even with heat exhaustion, though, James managed to put out some great writing metrics!

Last night we all worked on various blog posts.

James wrote 297 words on the October post, and we also had a bit of world-building discussion centering the topic of that post.

Mickie wrote three new paragraphs, and reworked another couple of pieces of the September blog post.

Sid worked on the August post (still working, it’s still coming, she promises) and got a decent chunk accomplished. 

And that is where we left it for the evening. We’ll see you next week with another exciting update (and hopefully working A/C)!

9/16/2022 Weekly Update

9/15/2022 → Thursday Skype & Write

Last night was a heads-down, fingers-on-keyboard type of meeting.  That means metrics, which are not exactly exciting, but then, writing is not all glamor and worldbuilding.

  • Mickie worked on the September blog post, which is coming along nicely, she says.
  • James worked on edits for Marigold Mayhem. He’s getting close to handing it back to Sid for one more polish and then (hopefully) publication.
  • Sid worked on the (now incredibly) late July/August blog. She ran into some snags that held her up, but thinks the problem is now solved and things are moving along much faster. She may even have it done and published before she has to do her next PC blog in November!

And that’s all the news for this week. We’ll be back next week with more exciting updates, so see you then!

Meet The Perfect Coven Authors!

(and Ette)

Sorry for the late upload, but this post took a bit longer to create than some others. However, now that it’s done, I have to say that I’m pretty happy with it.

So, there’s apparently this new-fangled thing that’s all the rage (old, we are; behind the times.) It’s called TikTok. I had no idea what it was (at the time I started this), so I did a little exploring and found out there’s a bit of it called “BookTok”. As I enjoy making little videos, and this just looked like a thing I’d love to do, so I thought I’d give it a try. This blog post is my first effort. 

So pull up a chair, grab a drink and/or a snack, hit PLAY, and let us tell you about the Perfect Coven Series!

Welcome to Perfect Coven BlogTok!

James says:  We obviously need to add an entire new media to our shared world….because clearly we don’t have enough going on or enough projects to keep ourselves insanely busy.  (I need a sarcasm font.)  Seriously, though, I think this is a great thing to use to present the world of the Perfect Coven to new people. The artwork is fun and the captions manage to convey the essence of what we’re doing without going into too much detail. At least, they do at the moment. It’s going to be fun to see where else Sid goes with this.

Mickie says:  Being an author today is more than just writing the book.  It’s a business, now more than ever.  As such, authors have to brand, market and sell themselves along with their stories.  Everyone’s trying to come up with a new angle to connect with the reader and get them interested in their story. Lucky for us, Sid is addicted to technology and loves exploring the interesting things that the internet has to offer.  She uses the magic box to bring our characters to life!  And to make characters of us, the PC authors, as none of us wants to try to record a TikTok.  Yay for clever Sid!