Wednesday Cookies!

Skype & Write Wednesday was productive tonight. We did a 30min500K, as well as some discussion of world and character elements, and the upcoming June blog post by yours truly.

Stats as follows:

Perfect Coven 1: Charlie’s Web — Mickie wrote 432 words, finished her scene and began a new chapter! Wooo!

Perfect Coven 2: Cursebreaker’s Dance — I finished my read-thru and began my editing pass. I’m only allowed one, then on to the next chapter. Big revisions wait until the story is complete. But I have notes, oh yes, I do!

Perfect Coven 3: Jasper’s Song — James wrote 677 words. Ah, yeah. He’s a cookie-winning fiend!

All in all, a good night. Here’s to next week, same bat time, same bat channel…er, blog!

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